Parking Enforcement

Overton Security provides our Security Officers with the right tools, the latest technology, and the essential training required to service all your security needs.

Overton Security recognizes that one of the most troublesome problems facing almost all apartment managers or HOA community associations is the demand for more resident parking spaces. There never seems to be enough parking to accommodate all tenants and guests, and the only solution seems to be either hiring a full-time parking guard or creating more parking spaces. One solution is obvious but not possible, and the other is too expensive. In our experience, we have found that there is only one solution that works. Write a simple parking policy with rules and regulations that are enforceable, and enforce them diligently and without exception.

1. Make sure all residents are fully aware of the parking regulations.

2. Each rule should come with penalties clearly defined.

3. The policy must have simple rules that are easy to understand.

4. The rules must be difficult to misinterpret and nondiscriminatory.

5. Have the residents sign an acknowledgment that they have received,
read, and understand the policy.

6. Ensure your signage meets state and local standards.

Overton Security will use these rules and regulations to create a written dedicated parking enforcement policy that will be placed in your post orders and given to each officer servicing your property as well as our dispatch personnel. Overton Security will enforce these rules as an unbiased third party and will take full responsibility for parking enforcement on your property. A citation log will be created for your property that may be accessed on your dedicated web portal through Direct Access. The log will be a database of all parking violations by license plate or VIN number stored on our central computer.

Overton Security will provide your facility with professional, well-trained, equipped, and uniformed security officers during times you designate. Each security officer is issued a uniform wardrobe and equipment consistent with the post-site requirements.​

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We Take Care of All Your Security Needs


We Take Care of All Your Security Needs

For the fastest service, please call us at (510) 791-7380, and in most cases, we can give you a price quote for our services over the phone. Written price quotes can be e-mailed or faxed the same day.


(800) 343-1901

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