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Imagine…Instant Access to All Security Documentation:  No More Paper

The days are gone when Property Managers were burdened with categorizing, filing, and then finding a place to store all the documents that are generated by security providers.  These documents accumulate over a period of time and eventually become a real headache to have to deal with.  When you need to retrieve a document it can become a migraine moment.  Again, these days are gone with the introduction of Direct Access, a web-based program developed by Overton that allows you to login to your very own “web portal” and have access to all your security documentation directly from our server.  What is a web portal, you ask? Good question.  A web portal is simply a client dedicated security web page that is accessed only with a secure user name and password chosen by the client.  After clicking the “login” tab, you will be given a menu page that links to all security documentation and information, both current and archived.  Direct Access has a 30-second learning curve. Just one click takes you directly to the document you want to review.  All reports Overton Security generates for your property are there; DAR, Incident Reports, Monthly Reports, Citation Reports, Response Reports, etc., are at your fingertips.  Your DAR will be sent to you daily by email (PDF) and at the same time be available on your web portal.

All documentation related to your property, your Contract, updated Certificate of Insurance, PPO, W-9, contact numbers and Post Orders.  There are links that allow you email forms for pass-downs and information updates.  How about a link that will give you all our contact numbers, as well as numbers to other vendors or local agencies. There is a link to security tips for you and your tenants as well as newsletters.  The portal is dynamic and updated continuously.  There is even a link that lets you “tell us what you think of us.”  There is a link for GPS verification of time and date of patrols on your property with all information validated by a third party.

Direct Access was developed by and is proprietary to Overton Security Services.  All information is stored on Overton Security servers with multiple backups in-house, as well as fully encrypted data transfer to an off-site data center, ensuring all files are stored safely and allowing for instant recovery in case of disaster.  Direct Access was designed to specifically accommodate the needs of our clients and offers the flexibility to adjust to our clients’ changing needs.  Direct Access is very user-friendly, requiring nothing to be installed on your computer.  The only requirement is that you have an Internet connection.  You may access your private web portal from anywhere at any time or you may choose not to use it at all; regardless, it will be there for you if you change your mind.  All files are stored on our server forever, with search capabilities to find the document you want.  There is absolutely no cost to you for Direct Access; just give it a test drive and we think you will be impressed.

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